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Welcome toNMC Dental Centre, Buhairah Corniche

NMC Dental Centre, Buhairah Corniche (Formerly known as NMC Sunny Dental Centre LLC) is one of the largest Multi-Speciality Centres in the private healthcare sector in Northern Emirates, equipped with most modern facilities. NMC Medical Centre provides accessible and reliable medical care for the whole family at affordable rates without compromising the quality of healthcare delivery.
The Centre received the coveted Sharjah Economic Excellence Award in the year 2008 & 2009. Taking proper care of your teeth and gums is a life long commitment. For that, regular visits to your dentist is necessary. The Dental Care Department boasts of all the sub specialties in Dentistry manned by more that one doctor. It is one of the largest, most modern dental clinics in the Northern Emirates.

  • 3rd Floor, Al Buhairah Building, Next to KFC & Hardees, Buhairah Corniche, P O Box 64684, Sharjah, UAE
  • Saturday to Friday 9:00 am to 9:30 pm.
  • 06 5738300, 0509665674
  • buhairah.dentalcentre@nmc.ae
