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The Ear Phone Menace


If humans were to transform to androids the first addition would probably be the ear phones. Ear phones have become ubiquitous. What started as a device for hearing music has metamorphosed into a fully-fledged extension of the mobile phones into the ear. We see people around us using a range of in-the-ear devices like ear phones (ear buds), head phones, Bluetooth devices. This wide usage has brought with it many ear diseases.

One of the common possibilities is infection of the external ear. The good quality ear phones usually do not have rough edges and are made to fit the contours of the ear canal. But the cheaper ones might damage the canal and lead to infection. There are studies which say that using an ear phone for more than 30 minutes leads to multiple fold increase in bacteria in the ear. Sometimes the ear phones are comfortable to begin with but become ragged with usage and then lead to injury. In extreme situations, rough use can even lead to injury to the ear drum. Sharing of ear phones also lead to spread of infection from one person to another

Impaction of wax is another problem that can be created by use of ear phones. The constant insertion and manipulation of the ear phones in the ear canal cause the natural wax in the canal to get accumulated and pushed deeper into the canal. Such impacted wax causes reduction of hearing, pain and can serve as a focus for infection to develop.

Hearing loss due to prolonged use at high volumes is also an inevitable consequence of the ear phones. Though significant hearing losses are associated with sound exposures of over 80 dB, it can also happen at prolonged exposures at lower sound levels too. It may also be noted that the sound source being in the ear canal magnifies the sound, a good 5 to 7 db. People already pre-disposed to hearing loss due to other factors (e.g. old age, too young children, smokers, diabetics, hypertensives, patients on Ototoxic drugs etc.)may have an aggravation due to ear phone usage.

So, it is a good idea to avoid ear phone usage as much as possible or to limit it to the absolute minimum and that too at very low sound level settings.

At NMC Medical Centre, Ajman, we are fully equipped to assess, diagnose and treat conditions resulting due to injudicious use of earphones. An otoscopy can achieve diagnosis of the damage. Microscopy can help in clearing out infection from the ear and for more detailed assessment of the damage. A variety of instruments are available for removal of wax with minimum discomfort to the patient. Hearing loss can be assessed with audiometers available at the clinic.